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Sealants in Cincinnati

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a preventive dental treatment that can help safeguard your child's teeth from cavities. At Westside Pediatric Dentistry in Cincinnati, we offer dental sealants as a simple and effective way to help keep your child's teeth healthy between checkups.

   Pediatric Dental Fillings

What are dental sealants?

Sealants are thin, plastic-like coatings that are applied to the deep grooves and pits in the chewing surfaces of back teeth, where decay is most likely to occur. The sealant acts as a barrier, protecting the teeth from the bacteria and acids that can cause cavities. The shallower and smoother surface is easier to clean with a toothbrush, preventing food particles and bacteria from settling into hard-to-clean spaces. 

How is a dental sealant placed?

Getting a dental sealant is a quick and painless process. First, the teeth are cleaned and dried. Then, the sealant is painted onto the chewing surface of each tooth and allowed to harden. No drilling or anesthesia is required, so there is no need to worry about your child feeling any discomfort. In most cases, we can place sealants at the end of your child’s checkup appointment or a short visit afterward. 

   Preventive Dental Care
Sealants in Cincinnati

Are sealants an alternative to dental fillings?

During a filling appointment, our skilled pediatric dentist in Cincinnati Ohio, Dr. Petr Vaughan, will first numb the area around the tooth to ensure your child is comfortable. Next, he will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and fill the area with durable material, such as composite resin. The material is carefully shaped to match the shape of the tooth and to restore proper function. 

Restorative Dentistry in Cincinnati

Sedation Options Available

Dental sealants are most effective when they’re applied to the permanent molars as soon as they come in, around age 6 for the first molars and age 12 for the second molars. However, sealants can be applied to baby teeth as well if they have extremely deep grooves or pits that put them at risk for decay.

One of the great benefits of dental sealants is that they can last for several years and are easily replaced if they get pulled off by sticky food. 
If you suspect your child has a cavity, don't wait to seek treatment. Oftentimes, cavities never hurt until the infection becomes severe. Contact Westside Pediatric Dentistry in Cincinnati; we’re dedicated to providing gentle, compassionate care that promotes better oral health for your child.

Preventing Cavities Before They Start

At Westside Pediatric Dentistry, we believe that prevention is key when it comes to your child's dental health. That's why we recommend dental sealants as a safe and effective way to help protect your child's teeth from decay. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for your child, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Sealants in Cincinnati
Sealants in Cincinnati

Reserve a Visit Today

Same-day dental sealants are available. Call now. 

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